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García Hamilton Family

García Hamilton Family

They are the descendants of Alberto García Hamilton, founder of newspaper La Gaceta, and they control the company. Among the group’s shareholders are Daniel Dessein, President of the board, who is the great-grandson of the newspaper’s founder, and Ana Cristina García Hamilton, Vice President of the board and granddaughter of the founder. Alberto García Hamilton (grandson), who served as President of the board, and Santiago Padilla, owner of juice company Citroc, also hold stock. The García Hamilton is a traditional family from Tucumán. They are among the few that still publish a regional newspaper, with an acceptable circulation for the Argentinian market.

During the last dictatorship and some months ahead of it, as part of Operativo Independencia, the newspaper and its shareholders had close ties with the military. Enrique García Hamilton, who was the newspaper’s Managing Director, became Secretary of Tourism of the province of Tucumán during the de facto government of Antonio Domingo Bussi, who was later convicted multiple times for crimes against humanity. Bussi himself would later be Garcia Hamilton’s daughter’s best man.

Media Companies / Groups
Media Outlets



La Gaceta Shop


La Gaceta Viajes

Loyalty card program

Club La Gaceta

Family & Friends

Affiliated Interests Family Members Friends

José Ignacio García Hamilton

Grandson of the newspaper’s founder. He was a historian and a journalist. He was a congressman for political party Unión Cívica Radical from 2007 to 2009, when he died.

Further Information

  • Project by
    Logo Tiempo Argentino
    Global Media Registry
  • Funded by